Sunday 3 June 2012

Herman the German Friendship Cake

I gave you a sneak peak of Herman the German Friendship Cake in this post, but now it's time for the full review.

I received a bag of 'Herman' with a simple sheet of instructions (similar to these) from a colleague last week. I've spent the past ten days keeping him alive (you can tell he's still alive because the mixture bubbles), feeding him flour, sugar and milk on day four and then finally dividing him up to share the Herman love before baking him.

Adding apples, sultanas, cinnamon mixed with milk, flour and sugar:

Ready for the oven with brown sugar and melted butter drizzled over the top:

Fresh out of the oven:

Thrifty re-use of a Fudges savoury biscuit tin to take the finished product to work:

In all the excitement, I forgot to take a photo of the portions, ready to go, but I hope I will have an update and a new Herman to try soon!

*Update- Herman turned out to be quite a tasty cake, the apple worked well and made it soft and moist*

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